This article is going to teach you how to create your own VTU platform on Sprint TopUp and manage it in Sprint Topup.
If after reading this article you still dont understand then put it in mind that owning a VTU platform is not for you.
Lets begin
The affiliate allows you to create your affiliate VTU platform.
Your platform will have a website link and an app.
Allows you to share them to people who are likely to start using your app for their everyday VTU purchases.
The affiliate platform is 100% free for now and required no computer programming skill as sprint TopUp will handle the building aspects
You do not require CAC certificate as Sprint TopUp and its Third-parties will legally back your platform and provide all the functional needs.
All you need to do is to set up the platform and start promoting it.
Step 1: Login to your Sprint TopUp account, click on "our services" on the button menu below and then click on "affiliate"
Step 2: Click on "Create app"
Step 3: After "affiliate app/website" you will see two options which are "affiliate " and "price list"
The affiliate section is used to create your affiliate VTU website/app
Price list is showing you how much Sprint TopUp is going to sell to your VTU platform.
Step 4: select the affiliate and fill in the title (The Tittle is the name of your VTU platform). Please do not make a mistake with the name because changing the name will cost you ₦20,000.
Step 5: set up your percentage profit. The percentage you put will be calculated based on Sprint TopUp selling price to your platform
Example: if Sprint TopUp is selling 1gb data to your account platform at ₦100 and you added 1% to your profit it means your platform selling price will become ₦101 and for every purchase made on your VTU affiliate platform your customers will be charged ₦101, and ₦1 will be your profit which will be added to your affiliate balance.
Please if you do not know how to calculate for percentage kindly go and learn it so that you can give your customers the best price.
Please note that you cannot add more than 2.5% profit on Airtime
Step 6: click on "Create now" to create your affiliate platform "
Step 7: after create your account platform restart the Sprint TopUp app Again and go back to the affiliate section. The place where you typed your platform name will change to a link. That link is your affiliate website link
Step 8: share the website link to people. So that they can register on your platform and start making VTU purchases.
Step 9: To get a VTU Android app for your affiliate VTU platform your affiliate VTU platform must perform 50 purchases in 30 days.
Step 10: after performing 50 purchases in 30 days Sprint TopUp will automatically generate your affiliate VTU platform app and send you an email about it to your registered email address. Please note that the process will take 72 hours ( excluding weekends and public holidays)
Step 11: the app will be included in your affiliate VTU website on the "download" button.
To upload logo you will have to upload the logo on your Sprint TopUp profile pic. Make sure to put the right logo before your app is generated so that you won't need to change the logo again. To change the logo on your app will cost you ₦20,000
Your Sprint TopUp email address and phone number will be used on your affiliate VTU platform for customer care contact.
Sprint TopUp will not upload your app on Google play store. You are to create a developer account from Google and upload your app by yourself
Sprint TopUp will not advertise your platform. However you can register on as an advertiser on ADSTradeX to pay for effective and cheap advertisement.
Please if after reading all the contents on this article and you still don't understand then we do not advice you to join the affiliate programme.